Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14


The Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14 (SFP 10-14) is a nationally recognized evidence-based curriculum that provides parent/caregiver, youth, and family education aimed at preventing teen substance misuse, strengthening parenting skills, and building family cohesion. The curriculum is delivered in local communities in groups of 7-10 families. The curriculum is taught by trained facilitators over seven weekly sessions using narrated videos, guided discussions, and specific activities that portray typical youth and parent/caregiver interactions within a diverse family setting. SFP 10-14 has made a positive impact on Washington families, across all 50 states, and in over 25 countries.

WSU Extension faculty and staff have provided facilitation, training, evaluation and technical assistance for Strengthening Family programs in Washington state since 2002.

Using guided methodology and evidence-based practices, WSU faculty and staff developed two adaptations of SFP 10-14, a cultural and linguistic adaptation of SFP 10-14 to serve Washington’s Spanish speaking families and a virtual adaptation to allow for program dissemination during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

The SFP 10-14 Program was developed at Iowa State University and they continue to provide leadership, training and support nationwide.  Their website is full of valuable resources.


Watch interviews with Washington State program participants and group leaders.

Join the WSU Strengthening Families 10-14 Community of Practice!

The WSU Strengthening Families 10-14 (SFP 10-14) Community of Practice is a networking and resource community of SFP facilitators and professionals in Washington State. This group includes community members, educators, prevention specialists, researchers, and others who are already involved in SFP 10-14 or are interested in learning more about the program. After joining the WSU SFP 10-14 Community of Practice, you will receive infrequent email updates regarding SFP 10-14 in Washington, including training opportunities, virtual resources, and other related content. If you are interested in joining the WSU SFP 10-14 Community of Practice, please email