E-Coach SFP Week Six

Week 6 – Protecting Against Substance Abuse

NOTE: There are 3 DVD’s this week; 1 for parent/caregivers, 1 for youth, 1 for families


Ask parents/caregivers to tell about a time they listened to their youth for feelings this week. Did they see the youth’s point of view? What things are going well with their youth at home? Start DVD. Discuss what different values were expressed around alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Process ideas about supporting youth in school. Show poster “Who, What, Where, When” and read scenes to parents.

Distribute letter I Love You and I Want Good Things for You. Resume DVD. Couples write together, assist where needed.

Write Who, What, Where, When on flipchart. Role play, asking questions. Resume DVD. Pace through DVD until letters are completed (circulate to assist where needed).

Post “Tools and Skills for Parenting Youth” posters, resume DVD. Distribute Tools to Use With Your Youth magnet cards. Resume DVD. Pace through DVD to identify tools parents can use for situations.

Home Practice is using Who, What, Where, When questions, and looking for situations to use the tools from the program. Hand out Handling Peer Pressure magnet card. Tell parents that the family session will have a short video that teaches how to help youth resist peer pressure. They will hear their youth practice some skills they learned to cope with peer pressure. Parents will play the role of a youth, trying to get their children into trouble. They will read their letter to their youth. Say the Parent Creed.


Post ground rules, do round of compliments. Ask youth to tell about situations they saw this past week where they recognized and handled peer pressure. The theme this week is peer pressure and good friends. Talk about special effects, the effects of drugs on the brain, and tell a story of a young person who has serious trouble because of taking drugs or drinking. Ask youth what goals would be hard to reach if a person abuses alcohol or drugs. Record on flipchart. Start DVD. Demonstrate “Start on Your Way.” Lay out Situation Cards, post “Setting Up the Situation” poster. Have youth hold up cards #1-5. Resume DVD. Have youth practice steps #1-5 with situation cards and road signs. Demonstrate “Say Your Friend’s Name” and “Listen to Me.” Practice all steps with youth. Resume DVD. Divide youth into pairs, have them practice all 8 steps.

Play active game. Set up “Going Fishing” game. After game, be sure to ask youth to share what qualities they have as a friend. For Home Practice tell youth to watch for something a friend does that shows s/he’s a good friend. Tell youth they will practice peer pressure resistance with their families, and play a game about reaching their goals. Say Youth Creed.


Allowing time for the parent/caregiver to read the letter to their youth is important. Cut other activity time as needed.

Set up “Reaching Our Goals game(s)” with tape on the floor. Multiple games are needed depending on enrollment. Five youth and parent cards are marked “starting cards.” Place these at the top of each deck to ensure that each pair gets off to a good start. Tie youth to parent with bandanas at the ankle. (Note: participants with limited mobility make great onlookers – the game is a bit like ‘Twister’). Play game, making sure that onlookers use their “I’ll save you” cards. Remember to ask questions after the game “What did you learn about reaching goals?” “What is one thing you would like to do more of to work well together?”

Separate families (one per table). Introduce DVD. Ask question at the pause. Resume DVD. Practice peer pressure resistance.

Parents read letter to their youth privately (facilitators assist if needed).

Gather for closing circle phrase “One thing I learned about reaching a goal is…” Say Youth, Parent and Family Creeds.